Earn In Meta Life- Spend In Real Life. What is DenCity? DenCity is a Virtual Reality and Blockchain enabled platform where people can come and become who they always wanted to be and define their lifestyle and rules according to them. DenCity is an Ethereum Blockchain and AI powered metaverse that provides you an engaging and immersive VR experience and lets you make a world of your own. A user will not only be able to explore , learn and create a life of his/her choice in accordance with the real world rules but also earn tokens that will be of use in the real world. Why DenCity? 1. Earn in Meta Life-Spend in Real Life As the meta-environment replicates the actual environment and with the integration of blockchain your earnings in DenCity-metaverse directly translate to your earnings in the real life. 2. Decentralized Governance In DenCity, there are no pre-defined centralized systems such as banks and government organizations and all important decisions re
Smart. Crypto. Block
Smart Contract + CryptoCurrency + BlockChain